Sheep to Shawl Competition


As part of the Kingston Sheep Dog Trials, local spinners and weavers demonstrate how they transform a sheep's fleece into a beautiful wearable shawl.

The Sheep Dog Trails is a family friendly event with a variety of activities, artisans, food trucks and waterfront. August 9, 10, 11, 2024

A highlight on Saturday ( Aug. 10)  is the Sheep to Shawl Competition.  Following the same standards as competitions held around the world, teams of 5 spinners and 1 weaver receive a raw (unwashed) sheep fleece at 9 am and present a judge with a finished shawl off the loom in 4.5 hours. Check the progress throughout the day  team members select and card the fleece ready to spin yarn  and watch as the weaver creates a shawl on their loom.  Shawls will be judged  and will be availabel for purchase by auction on Sunday.

S2 S Process Collage

Détails de l'événement


10 août 2024 • 09 h 00


