Skeleton Park Arts Festival

Arts et culture

All SPAF Programming is FREE ADMISSION
Come and enjoy the 19th anniversary of the Skeleton Park Arts Festival, a non-profit annual summer solstice celebration, during the June 22 & 23 Summer Solstice Weekend. This free, family-oriented event takes place in McBurney Park and the surrounding neighbourhood.
This year’s festival includes a diverse range of players including Kobo Town, Status Non Status, Justin_Rutledge and the Undertow Brass Band.
Events in the park are on Saturday from 10 a.m. to dusk and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Sunday, take in the Porch Jazz Parade, a fun traverse through the neighbourhood streets with concerts on front porches along the way. There will be local food vendors, booths with information about community organizations, and children’s activities.
Skeleton Park Arts Festival

Détails de l'événement


16 mai 2024 • 11 h 26


